Broad Town News - the Broad Town Village Newsletter



Parish Council update – November

Ash Dieback

Tree owners are asked to look out for any of their Ash trees suffering from this disease which can lead to the death of the tree. The spread of the disease can be reduced by collecting any fallen ash leaves and burning, burying or deep composting them. Any trees overhanging public roads or footpaths may need to be felled for safety reasons. A bulletin produced by Wiltshire Council is available in the News section of the Parish Council website – this has a link to a video explaining the details. See

Dog Fouling

Clearing up after your dog helps prevent the spread of some nasty infections and diseases. Dog mess can contain roundworm parasites which cause Toxocariasis in humans. Toxocariasis symptoms include dizziness and nausea, asthma and epileptic seizures. It can even lead to serious eye damage or permanent blindness. Dog mess also harbours parasites that can harm farm animals especially cows and sheep. There are some bins in the village where you can place poo bags. If you don’t clear up after your dog Community Police Officers and Wiltshire Council’s dog warden can serve you with a fixed penalty notice; you could be prosecuted and, if found guilty, fined up to £1,000.


Residents of Broad Town are invited to join the Broad Town WI Open Meeting on Wednesday 17th November at 7.30 p.m. in Broad Town Village Hall for a presentation by Martin Collisson “The Golden Age of Mountaineering and Exploration”.  The presentation will be looking at the intrepid explorers of the Polar Regions, Everest, the Eiger and Matterhorn.

This is an exciting opportunity right on your doorstep to hear about these adventures. The event is free of charge although donations for tea and cake will be gratefully accepted. We are expecting an interesting, entertaining and thoroughly enjoyable evening.  

We’ll be holding a raffle too with some fun prizes to be won, so don’t forget to bring an extra £1 or so for your tickets.

If you would like to join us, please contact as we are limited on numbers in the Village Hall. To keep our community safe we recommend that masks are worn and hand sanitiser is used.

We do hope that you can come along and we look forward to seeing you.


7TH November, 10.30am Communion

14th November, 10.50am Remembrance Sunday
21st November, 10.30am Communion

CHURCH APPEAL   Like many other organisations, our income during the pandemic has been drastically reduced and it has not been possible to hold any fundraising events to improve this position. Shortfalls of £1,700 in 2019, £7,226 in 2020 and £7,500 in 2021 (estimated) will result in a total of £ 16,426 being owed to Salisbury Diocese for our Parish Share, which goes towards paying our clergy (training, housing, pensions, salaries) with no means to pay this.

We are very grateful to many people who already support the Church, with regular giving, one off donations, 100 Club and carrying out voluntary work which helps reduce our expenditure. However, we now have to find alternative ways to increase our income by an estimated amount of £8,000 per annum to keep the Church open and be able to continue to serve the community.

We recognise that many household incomes are already fully committed and in some instances reduced but if there is any way you feel you can help, please contact to discuss in confidence, with either Clive Green (treasurer), Tel: 854200 or Ray Manley, Tel; 731564.

FOODBANK  Throughout the last 18 months, we have had a monthly collection outside the Village Hall and stored it inside. Now that the V. H. is open it is often booked at weekends, so we have decided to have our Foodbank collections every 2 months and either at the Hall or ‘Shelter’ if the hall is booked. Our next collection will be a Christmas one on
December 4th & 5th – so let’s make it a bumper one. Venue will be put in December B. T. News, put on Facebook and shown on posters around the Village.
Your support is greatly appreciated by us, by the R. W. B. Foodbank and above all by the people who use the Foodbank for themselves and their families.

B T NEWS  It has been decided that from February 2022 future editions will be sent electronically which has worked well since the pandemic began and will not only save money but will help to reduce our carbon footprint. Approximately 100 copies are sent by email, others view it on the B T Website and a very small number (who have no internet) get paper copies. It is planned to issue one final paper version to the whole village for the combined December/January issue and then go electronic. This is also an opportunity to review the format and if anyone has suitable editorial skills and would like to be involved, please contact Ray Manley Tel: 731564 for more information.

CONGRATULATIONS   to James in Broad Town who completed the London Marathon and raised (with 3 others) nearly £3,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support. He says the Just Giving site is still open for anyone who may still want to donate.

100 CLUB   The Draw for October has taken place and I’m pleased to announce the winners are:
1st Place – Pam Howells
2nd Place – Helen Greer
3rd Place – Clive Green
Congratulations to all the winners.



At last we are able to have one of our coffee mornings. This one will be held in the Village Hall, which gives us more space.

There will be refreshments, tombola, sales/cakes table, activities for the children and the raffle.

We have been able to secure two great raffle prizes:-

2 course Sunday lunch for 4 at the Wiltshire,

Crump’s voucher.

There will also be a hamper, a Christmas cake and a large cuddly toy.

Hopefully the tickets will be on sale soon.

We look forward to seeing as many as possible and catching up with all your news.



If I should go before the rest of you,

Break not a flower, nor inscribe a stone.

Nor, when I am gone, speak in a Sunday voice,

But be the usual selves that I have known.

Weep if you must,

Parting is hell -

But life goes on,

So sing as well.

Joyce Grenfell


It was lovely to see so many of you back again in October and we raised £100 to go to Macmillan Cancer Support. Thank you to everyone who has offered to bake cakes up until Christmas. If anyone would like to join the rota after Christmas please let us know. The more the merrier!

Dates for November – 10am to 12 noon in the village hall

Wednesday 10th November

Wednesday 24th November: Mike Coney’s family would like to provide all the cakes for this coffee morning as a thank you to everyone who was part of his life in the village. Mike was a regular at the coffee mornings and is much missed. Any profits from the morning will be shared between the village groups that Mike was involved with  or the charities that they support.

The date for submission for the next issue - Joint December and January - is Fri 19th Nov.

to .  This date is a little earlier as it gives us time to get the newsletter printed and delivered.


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